The MORryde SRE 4000 is a fabulous replacement for the standard equalizer used in most trailer leaf spring based suspension systems. We recently replaced our fifth wheel trailer’s equalizer with a MORryde SRE 4000, and what a difference this has made when we tow on bumpy roads!

MorRyde SRE 4000 Trailer Suspension Installation and Review
We have had our 14,500 lb. 36′ Hitchhiker fifth wheel trailer for over ten years, and during that time we have replaced the leaf springs, the shock absorbers and the equalizer with beefier components than the ones that were installed at the factory. We also cut the hangers off the frame and placed them at a slightly wider spacing when the tires threatened to touch each other due to a failure within the suspension system (blog post about all that here).
Our leaf springs are now Rockwell American leaf springs made in America from American steel. In addition to switching brands, we upgraded our leaf springs from the factory installed 7,000 lb leaf springs to 8,000 lb springs.
These wonderful upgrades meant we no longer had a problem with sagging leaf springs or a faulty suspension system, but the ride inside the trailer had become very harsh. It was now routine for us to find things in total disarray inside our trailer after towing it down even modestly bumpy roads.

The MORryde SRE 4000 includes equalizer and wet bolts (heavy duty shackles) for each axle.
After arriving at a new campsite we’ve found our sconce lights dangling and we’ve had several light bulbs on our ceiling fan shatter all over the floor.
We keep some books in a cabinet in the far back of the trailer, above the rear window, and that cabinet was always a total disaster whenever we unhitched. Books and pamphlets and maps would be toppled all over each other.
In another rear cabinet in the trailer I keep a pocket flashlight and a chapstick, among other things, and darned if those two items didn’t always roll away and disappear under a pile of camera cleaning supplies every time we towed the trailer.
We had to be super careful opening our RV refrigerator door, because bunches of things would fall out onto the floor.
We have a few battery operated LED lights mounted under cabinets with Velcro, and they invariably would fall onto the counter tops. And from longstanding habit we tend to leave our place mats on our dining table, and they would always be on the floor when we arrived anywhere.
Mark’s tools down in the Man Cave? Oh my. We won’t even talk about that mess with all those tool boxes tipped over on their sides.

Here’s another look at the components of this system: MORryde SRE 4000 and heavy duty shackles
We had resigned ourselves to fixing a disaster every time we parked and set up camp, but it sure was frustrating.
Then Mark started reading up on the MORryde SRE 4000. MORryde is well known among RVers for their patented IS (Independent Suspension) system which is an axle-less rubber based system that doesn’t involve leaf springs at all. These are standard on the upscale New Horizons fifth wheels, and they are a pricey but popular upgrade with many RVers who have replaced their factory installed leaf spring suspension with the MORrydes IS suspension on their fifth wheel trailers.
However, the MORryde SRE 4000 simply replaces the equalizer in a leaf spring suspension system and leaves the rest of the system intact, including the leaf springs, axles and shock absorbers. Rather than having a boomerang shaped piece of steel (an equalizer) that rocks back and forth between the two axles’ leaf springs, the MORryde SRE 4000 adds a rubber component that provides 4 inches of travel. So, not only does it rock back and forth, but it absorbs the bumps.

The MORryde SRE 4000 replaces the above equalizer and bolt assembly that sits between the hanger at the top and the two sets of leaf springs on either side.
We decided that this seemed like a really neat solution to our problem, so we headed over to Rucker Trailer Works in Mesa, Arizona, to have the MORryde SRE 4000 installed.
Rucker Trailer Works has worked on our trailer before. They aligned the frame and rehung the hangers to laser-point perfection after our initial suspension replacement at another shop. They have been in business for decades and they are true trailer experts. We would trust them with our trailer any day of the week and will eagerly return to them for any work we need in the future.
If we had known about them at the time, we would have gone to them for our electric over hydraulic disc brake conversion, and they also would have been our initial choice when we had our failing suspension replaced.

Rucker Trailer Works in Mesa, Arizona, did a superior job.
We got set up in a bay and three mechanics quickly got to work.

We parked our buggy (a 36′ Hitchhiker fifth wheel) in one of the work bays.
Our new puppy, Buddy, wanted to be the Project Supervisor. But he had been caught sleeping on the job when we did our RV screen door upgrades a few weeks ago. So, he reluctantly went away to take a nap in the truck while the experts did the installation.

Our new puppy, Buddy, wanted to be the Supervisor but he napped in the truck instead.
The first step was to remove the wheels and jack the trailer up with floor jacks, placing the jacks under the frame.

First things first: jack up the trailer and remove the wheels.
Once the trailer wheels were off the ground, additional jacks were slid beneath the axles to support them. This was an important step because the project would involve disconnecting and reconnecting one of the points where the axles are attached to the trailer via the leaf springs.
There are five attachment points on each side of the trailer between the axles and the frame. Three of these attachment points are the hangers. The hangers connect the endpoints of the leaf springs: one at each of the two the outer endpoints and one in the middle supporting both leaf springs via the equalizer. The other two axle/frame attachment points are the two shock absorbers.
When the equalizer is removed, each leaf spring loses one attachment point to the frame. That is, each leaf spring ends up connected to the frame by only one hanger at one end while the other end is left dangling where the equalizer used to be. As each leaf spring drops, the shock absorbers could also be stretched open and possibly damaged. Also, it’s much easier to line up the bolt holes when installing the MORryde SRE 4000 if the axles are supported!
Therefore, jacks were positioned beneath the axles to hold the axles in place during the job.

This “after” pic shows the five connection points between the trailer frame and the axles.
The axles must be supported when the center attachment point is removed during this job.
Because we have electric over hydraulic disc brakes on our trailer (an upgrade we highly recommend to anyone with a large fifth wheel trailer), the disc brake calipers were removed and set aside with the hydraulic lines still intact and attached.

Because we upgraded our trailer to disc brakes, the brake calipers had to be removed temporarily.

The disc brake calipers were set aside with the hydraulic line still attached & intact.
The equalizer was now at a crazy angle because the trailer was raised up on jacks.

The old equalizer is cocked because the trailer is on jacks and the weight is off the wheels
The bolt holding the equalizer to the hanger was removed, and then the bolts holding the equalizer to the leaf springs were removed.

The bolt holding the equalizer to the hanger was removed.

Next, the bolts holding the equalizer to the leaf springs needed to be removed.
These were not the original factory-installed bolts. They were wet bolts that we had had installed when our suspension was replaced a while back.

The old equalizer and bolt assemblies.
To our surprise, the mechanics discovered that the one of the equalizers was damaged. The top hole had started elongating and the brass bushing had broken. We were both astonished because we had towed our trailer only 7,500 miles since the equalizer had been installed. Our trailer weighs in at its GVWR and is not excessively heavy.

One of the equalizers was already damaged after just 7,500 miles of towing.

The top hole had elongated and the bronze bushing had broken.
As we pondered how this damage could have happened, we remembered one particularly nasty road we had driven down this past year. It was a 3 mile long stretch of miserably rutted dirt road that took us 45 minutes to cover. At the end of it we noticed that the top equalizer bolt was hanging halfway out because the nut had worked its way off.
You can read about the details and see Mark’s incredibly ingenious solution to get us back on the road in this post: Trailer Suspension Nuts & Bolts – One Nut From Disaster!
Here’s a pic from that scary moment many miles from nowhere:

Last year, after driving for 45 minutes on the nastiest dirt road we’ve ever been on, Mark noticed the bolt holding the equalizer to trailer frame was working its way out. This may be what caused the damage to the equalizer that we saw during the MORryde SRE 4000 installation.
Past damage behind us, the next step was to hang the MORryde SRE 4000 on the leaf spring hanger.

The MORryde SRE 4000 was suspended by a bolt at the top.
Prior to tightening the bolt, the mechanic used a C-clamp to tighten the hanger arms and hold the MORryde SRE 4000 in place.

A C-clamp held the MORryde SRE 4000 in place
Then the C-clamp was removed and the MORryde SRE 4000 was centered between the leaf springs.

The MORryde SRE 4000 was bolted onto the hanger.

The MORryde SRE 4000 was suspended from the hanger.

Looking good.
The next step was to install the heavy duty shackles (or “wet bolts”) on either side of the MORryde SRE 4000, first bolting together one side and then the other.

A new wet bolt assembly attached the MORryde SRE 4000 to one leaf spring.

Now it was fully bolted on to the hanger at the top and to both leaf springs on either side.
And that was it! Of course, the process had to be repeated on the other side of the trailer.
The mechanic held up the equalizer to show where it had been.

For comparison, here’s where the equalizer used to be.
The next step — after admiring how the MORryde SRE 4000 looked between the leaf springs — was to reattach the disc brake calipers, mount the wheels and lower the jacks until the trailer was standing on its own wheels once again.

The disc brake calipers were reattached.

The wheels were mounted back on.

The jacks were removed and the trailer stood back up on its own wheels.
We crawled underneath to have a look at the new MORryde SRE 4000 from the insides of the wheels.

View from under the trailer looking at the back side.
One of the things we were curious about was whether the MORryde SRE 4000 would raise or lower our trailer. We often travel on dirt roads and tow our trailer through washes, and we prefer it to be quite high off the ground. Even driving up or down a short ramp into or out of a gas station can cause havoc at the back end of the trailer. A few years ago when our trailer still stood at its original factory height, we left a deep 50′ long scrape in an insanely sloped parking lot in Boone, North Carolina.
We measured the trailer height off the ground both before and after the MORryde SRE 4000 installation and were pleased that it raised the trailer over an inch, from 28 5/8 inches to 29 7/8 inches. Woo hoo!

BEFORE the installation the measurement was 28 5/8 inches.

AFTER the installation the measurement was 29 7/8 inches, 1.25 inches higher.
We have towed our trailer a few hundred miles since the installation, and quite a few of those miles have been on both bumpy paved roads where we were going 35 mph or so and on miserably rutted dirt roads where we were going 10 mph or less.
The first thing we noticed is that we were chucking around a lot less in the cab of the truck. So often in the past it seemed like the tail was wagging the dog, so to speak, and the trailer’s bouncing was making the truck bounce too. We have a Demco Glide-Ride fifth wheel pin box, which reduces the fore-and-aft movement of the trailer, but we were still being thrown around in the truck by the motion of the trailer.
But it is the difference inside the trailer that is most remarkable. We have been truly astonished each time we’ve gone inside the trailer to find everything is still intact. The books on the back bookshelf miraculously stay put. I haven’t lost that chapstick or that flashlight since the day the MORryde SRE 4000 was installed. And today, when we drove several miles on one of the rockiest and pot-hole filled dirt roads we’ve been on in ages, I was stunned to see that the placemats were still on the table when we arrived and the LED lights were still happily hanging under the cabinets.
Buddy was also excited that the water in his water dish was all still inside the bowl and hadn’t spilled out all over the sink.
He was also excited when we visited the parts shop at Rucker Trailer Works and scoped out what they had on their shelf: Buddy Wheel Bearing Protectors!!

Buddy didn’t get to supervise, but he found a product he really liked in the Rucker Trailer Works shop!
If you are tired of cleaning up the mess every time you set up camp, look into the MORryde SRE 4000. We were actually a little skeptical about how much this system would improve our ride, and we merely hoped for a little less turmoil in the trailer. But we are absolutely delighted that it truly smoothed out the ride, enough so that things in the bumpiest part of the trailer — the far rear end — now stay in place.
Also, this smoother ride will help our trailer and everything in it last a little longer. With less jiggling and outright bouncing going on, there will be less wear and tear on every component in the trailer from the walls to the windows and cabinets to all the appliances that were never intended to withstand endless jolts and shocks.
In addition, our more delicate belongings, from our camera gear to our laptops and external hard drives, along with everything else we’ve put into the trailer will be much happier and less prone to breakage with our new smooth ride.
For RVers visiting Arizona, Rucker Trailer Works is a great choice (website here). We were back on the road in less than two hours. MORryde also does installations at their facility in Indiana (website here), and we found out they do electric over hydraulic disc brake conversions there as well, so you can get two excellent upgrades done at once!
Buying the MORryde SRE 4000
The MORryde SRE 4000 can be purchased with or without a steel crossmember (“X-Factor Performance Crossmember”) that goes between the two leaf spring hangers to eliminate flex. Our trailer already had a crossmember that was welded onto the frame when our suspension was upgraded, so we got the unit that doesn’t include it. The difference in the part numbers is that the unit with the crossmember has an “X” at the end of the part number.
Also, you must measure the distance between the axles (the wheelbase) to determine whether you need the 33″ or the 35″ version of the product. We needed the 33″ version.
Lastly, the heavy duty shackle wet bolt kit is sold separately.
- MORryde SRE 4000 733X – 33″ version including the crossmember.
- MORryde SRE 4000 733 – 33″ version without the crossmember.
- MORryde X-Factor Performance Crossmember – To stiffen the frame and eliminate flex
- MORryde Heavy Duty Shackle Kit – The wet bolt kit
More Info:
- MORryde SRE 4000 – Further reading on the MORryde website
Other blog posts about our fifth wheel trailer suspension:
- Trailer Suspension Nuts & Bolts – RV Blues on Rough Roads!
- 5th Wheel Trailer Suspension Failure – Replaced with our RV Warranty!
Never miss a post — it’s free!
More Trailer Uprgades & Maintenance Tips:
- Trailer Disc Brake Conversion – Upgrade from standard electric brakes to disc brakes
- Fifth Wheel Trailer Suspension Overhaul – Replacing our factory installed suspension
- Repacking and Inspecting Trailer Wheel Bearings – An important annual task
- Hitch Tighteners – Eliminate the shake, rattle & roll on a trailer bumper hitch
- RVing Nuts & Bolts – One Nut From Disaster!
- Index of RV Tech Tip Articles – from SOLAR and BATTERIES to TRUCK MODS and more
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That is a great story. I would have never figured on the tossing of everything in the trailer. I was a bit shocked at the damage to that part on only 7500 miles. Good thing it was replaced with a better system. I was a bit disappointed that Mark wasn’t doing the work! Just kidding. Way too many tools required for that job. You guys always seem to find very qualified repair shops.
Things do jiggle a lot with an RV. Some folks say driving an RV down the road is like putting your house through an earthquake! But the MORryde smooths things out a lot — much much more than we expected! We too were shocked that the old equalizer had been damaged so much in just 7,500 miles, but it may be from driving on one particular road. It was truly the worst we’ve ever been on, by a long shot!
Surprised THE BOSS was content to nap !!!
He did really well. Every so often we’d see his little face staring at us making sure everyone was doing their job, and then he’d lie back down again…
I also have a 36′ 5th wheel trailer and go down may bumpy roads to reach boondocking spots so your article really caught my attention. Can you tell me how much this upgrade cost to do?
Depending on whether you want to install the optional heavy duty shackles and steel cross member, it will range from $400 to $600 for parts, and depending on labor rates probably from around $300 to $500 for labor.
I’m sure Puppy Chow (Buddy) helped out more than you’re letting on. 😉 The leaf springs look rather “light” considering the load. I know they are tested and true, but of all the car parts I’m familiar with, these don’t look like they are suited to the purpose. And yet, they work. Somehow. 🙂
Puppy Chow charmed everyone at the shop! And he was happy to find out when he sniffed around our leaf springs that they are beefier than the ones that originally came with the trailer: 8k lbs vs. 7k lbs. In general it seems to us that RV trailers are “lightly built.” Driving behind any big fifth wheel, the wheels always seem very small for the size of the trailer. But the standards are what they are, and the goal for most manufacturers is a certain profit margin at a given price point, and the interior is generally what clinches the deal…
Great review and recommendation. I can’t wait for the snow to stop…so we can get back into our 5’er and make some improvements before coming out fulltiming. I am so dying to start full timing….I cannot wait for Sept. to get here. I will also use RTW for a possible disc brake install. I feel a good trailer shop that knows about rigs is so much more important.
Love the new pup!!!
Many thanks for a great article!!
You are welcome, Mike. September will be here in no time and you’ll be off on new and exciting adventures! Disc brakes make a world of difference with a big fiver and you could do both brakes and a MORryde install at RTW in one shot and save a little on the labor of getting the trailer jacked up/down and wheels off/on.
We are sure loving our little puppy. He puts a special brilliance and warmth into every day.
Enjoy your travels — it won’t be long!
I’m surprised to see seven leafs in your springs! Like you, we take our home many places that most RVers would never go. Our 33′ fifth wheel weighs about 13,000# loaded (we weighed it after our first year on the road) and we only have four leaves times four. If your springs are rated at 8,000# times four, that’s 32,000# potential — seems way oversprung to me which I’m guessing has been causing problems for some time now. As an example, my 3/4 ton Camper Special pickup had seven leafs and they rebuilt both sides with nine but I was hauling a monster slide-in truck camper with all my work tools and equipment in it at the time. And riding in that truck without the camper on it was *not* pleasant. When it comes to suspension, more and bigger ain’t always better 🙂 I would be surprised if the original spec even called for 7,000# springs as your trailer isn’t that much heavier than ours. Did it come new with those beefy springs on it?
Our original leaf springs were 7000 lb. springs with 6 leaves each. That’s the way NuWa built the trailer and is a large part of what gave it its 14,100 lb GVWR.
We had to replace those springs after a few years because they had flattened. We replaced them with 7000 lb. springs that had 6 leaves each to keep the trailer to the original factory specification.
When those new springs flattened after a few years we were advised by the shop that overhauled our suspension to get stronger springs. So, we got 8000 lb. leaf springs with 7 leaves each. These springs have not flattened.
I believe the way leaf springs are rated you have to go in pairs, i.e., a pair of 7000 lb springs on either end of a 7000 lb axle is designed to support 7000 lbs. With two of those axle/leaf sets under the rear of the trailer you can support 14,000 lbs. in the rear (and of course about 20% of the trailer weight is over trailer hitch in the bed of the truck).
I am not sure how much “bounce” is designed into the rating. That is, the rating is probably for non-bumpy paved roads. When you hit a pot-hole or go down a rutted dirt road, a 14k trailer will exert a lot more force on its rear axles than on a smooth road. I do not know how much “extra” force is built into the axle and leaf spring rating. 10% more? 25% more? 50% more? I also have no idea when we were airborne on I-10 in Louisiana how much extra force was exerted on our truck and trailer suspension when we landed.
At some point any axle/leaf spring combo will fail if the trailer weight drops on the suspension hard enough. Our goal was just to prevent the premature leaf spring failures we kept seeing.
Really appreciate the detailed, well written articles. So thanks for that.
I had hoped to purchase our future fifth wheel with the MORryde 4000 but sadly the brand moved away from it to a Lippert system. I also noticed your Kodiak brand disc brakes, another good call on your part from what I’ve read about the brand.
Over the course of months I’ve bounced around reading your articles. Best write up I’ve ever found on a decision to buy which truck….
Thank you,
You are welcome for the detailed articles, Mark. I am glad to know you have enjoyed them. It takes a crazy amount of time for me to write them and put them together, especially the technical articles (it often takes me 70-100 hours to produce a single article), so hearing from an appreciative reader means a lot.
Mark did a lot of research before choosing the Kodiak brand of disc brakes, and we sure love them. Without a doubt, a disc brake conversion is one of the best upgrades any fifth wheel owner can do. It is an expensive upgrade, but the improved stopping power is stunning (even I can feel the difference sitting over in the passenger’s seat!).
As for the MORryde SRE 4000, if your new fiver doesn’t come with it, you can always add it at a later date.
Thank you for the compliments on my article about our Dodge Ram dually. It’s a fabulous truck, and Mark really loves to drive it!
Hi Mark and Emily,
I have a 36′ 2011 NuWa Discover America. While on my back under the trailer greasing the suspension, I discovered the equalizer hanger that bolts into the welded frame support has two cracks in it. The cracks are each about one inch long coming from opposite sides. There’s about three to four inches of good metal between them. Not sure how much time or what kind of force it would take to make them join each other and cause a massive failure.
Thinking of replacing both equalizers with the MORryde SRE 4000x system. My question is about ordering them from Amazon. When you order one MORryde SRE2-733x SRE4000 kit, does that include equalizers for both sides plus the cross member bar for $375? Same question for the heavy duty shackle kit. Does one order give you enough hardware for both sides at $89.57?
Thanks for the great article.
Wow, that’s a scary pair of cracks, Lew!! I think you’ll be really pleased with the MORryde upgrade. To answer your question, yes the MORryde SRE2-733X includes a pair of equalizers (one for each side) and the crossmember (the key in the part number is that “X”), and the heavy duty shackle kit includes shackles for both equalizers. I hope you enjoy smoother towing like we have!!
Hi Mark & Emily,
I am looking to upgrade my 5th wheel (Open Range 3X427BHS) with 4000 lb springs (8000 for the pair) and the MORryde SRE/4000. I already upgraded fomr the Lippert nylon bushings and shackles to the MORryde wet bolt kit. In the MORryde SRE/400 qualification form it says that the “The SRE/4000 is designed for a 1 3/4″ wide double eye (not slipper style) leaf spring and will NOT work with an 8k axle spring pack (i.e. 7 leafs in which the second leaf down from the top is the same length as the top leaf)”
I was wondering if you had any issues with the 8000 lb springs and the SRE/4000?
Thanks for the posts that you have here.
We have not had any problems with the MORryde SRE/4000 with our 7k lb. axles and 8k lb. (for the pair) springs. The system has been working great for the last 18 months since we installed it, and we’re very happy with it. If you have any questions, give MORryde a call. Their sales engineers are very helpful and will make sure you get the right system for your rig. Thanks for reading!