New Mobile Menu for RLT

If you like reading our various blog posts on-the-go on your phone or tablet, we’ve got a new and very much improved menu for you. It’s at the top of the screen in the upper right corner, and it has the same goodies in it as the menu on our desktop layout but in a slightly different configuration.

Roads Less Traveled Mobile Device Menu

A new menu for mobile devices in the upper right corner of the screen

If you’ve never explored the menus on this website before, there is tons of great stuff tucked away in there that you can reach very easily. There are tech tips of all kinds, from solar power to battery charging tips to winter RVing and heating tips to a pictorial of our trailer disc brake conversion and truck engine programmer installation and RV dump station tips and mobile internet tips.

On mobile devices the main menu lists the major topics that this website covers:

Mobile Device Menu Options Closed

The main menu for mobile devices

There are also loads of lifestyle tips for living and working on the road, figuring out the logistics and legalities of a full-time traveling lifestyle and making the leap from convention to adventure. From living off the grid and boondocking to sorting out whether an RV warranty makes sense financially to a detailed analysis of our expenses in the RV lifestyle, this site is a treasure trove of information for anyone contemplating a mobile lifestyle on the road or at sea.

On mobile devices, tap the arrow to the right of each topic to open it up and see more options.

Mobile Device Menu Options Open

Tap the arrows to the right to open each menu topic

Please check out the phone/tablet menu and let us know if anything doesn’t work quite right (we don’t have a mobile device so we haven’t seen it “live” yet). You’ll find all of our travels grouped by destination and can even take a peak at the various rigs we’ve owned and see what our sailboat looked like.

If there’s something you remember seeing on this site but can’t find again, try using the search option in the menus to locate it easily!

As always, a huge thank you to all our loyal readers for coming back here again and again.

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