Planning Your Cruise – Tips & Resources!

Groovy in Las Hadas Anchorage Manzanillo Mexico

Groovy in Las Hadas Anchorage

Cruising Mexico on a boat is exhilarating, and we learned all kinds of things during our cruise down south.

The following pages cover all the things we discovered during our cruise that we felt might help future cruisers coming behind us.  From provisioning to weather prediction to getting laundry done to finding boat parts to figuring out the bus systems, these pages are loaded with gold nuggets of really valuable information.

Happy reading, and have a wonderful cruise when your day comes!

Solar Power for Boats and RVs  01-25-12
Can you live at anchor on solar power? YES!! Here’s our installation, including our custom arch, and a solar power tutorial.


To help you plan your cruise and get you inspired, we created the video series, "Cruising Mexico Off the Beaten Path - Volumes 1-3," shown below. This is a fun-to-watch and easy-to-digest introduction to Mexico from a cruiser's perspective, giving you lots of valuable information that isn't covered by the cruising guides. Each video is available individually at Amazon, either as a DVD or as a download. For discount package pricing on the whole series, visit our page Cruising Mexico Video Series.

Volume 1 reviews the geography, weather and seasons in Mexico and shows you what the best anchorages between Ensenada and Manzanillo are like.

Volume 2 gives detailed info that can't be found in any of the guidebooks about the glorious cruising ground between Manzanillo and the Guatemala border.

Volume 3 (right) provides all the info you need to get off the boat for an adventure-filled trip to Oaxaca.

Our Gear Store also has a boatload of ideas for your cruise!