Yahoo Travel Features RLT & Other Full-time RVers

Yahoo Travel caught up with us the other day and interviewed us about our lifestyle. We had such fun chit-chatting about full-time RVing, what it’s like to run off to a life of adventure, and how it is that people can downsize all the way into an RV, that our interviewer, Caitlin Kiernan, was just about ready to sell up and go herself by the time we finished our call!

She reached out to several unusual full-timing RVers besides us, and she compiled a wonderful story that features not only our story but those of Becky Schade, a 30-year-old solo full-timer who lives in a Casita, the Kelloggs, a family of 14 who live in a 36′ Cruiser Boy motorhome, and Kristin and Jason Snow who live in a 30′ Trek motorhome.

The Yahoo Travel story is here:

From a Family of 14 to a Single Lady, These People Quit Life to Hit the Road in an RV

Now, I think anyone who has taken the leap to go adventuring in an RV full-time would agree that rather than “quitting life,” we have actually kick started our lives to be to a new level! 🙂 This fun story shows many of the different kinds of ways that people make such a huge life transition.

For us, our dreams of sailing set the stage, but our first step out the door of our conventional lifestyle was into an RV. Of course, we did eventually get that sailboat, and go cruising, but in the crazy way that a life of travel teaches you about yourself, we discovered on the open ocean that RVing is our first love.

Even though the full-time RV lifestyle has traditionally been reserved for the retired crowd, these stories in Yahoo Travel show that RVing now reaches across all demographics, and that nothing so much as wanderlust is a prerequisite to get going.

RV stuck on a narrow road

Oops!! A classic newbie RVer mistake!

Caitlin asked us to relate the funniest thing that has happened to us in our life on the road, and what came to mind was a crazy adventure we had in our sixth week on the road our first summer of full-timing. I’m including the photo here, but check out the Yahoo link to see how we got in this predicament!! (Our original blog post about the adventure is here).

Happy day, everyone, and keep dreaming — the open road is waiting for you!!

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