Honda EU2200i Generator Review + Oil Change and Maintenance Tips

We have been loving the heck out of our Honda EU2200i generator for the last seven months and have already put about 150 hours on it. We live in our RV off the grid on solar power 24/7, and we rely on the sun for 98% of our power needs. However, in the last few months we have experienced an extraordinary amount of wildfire smoke and rain in our RV travels, and that trusty old orb in the sky was nowhere to be seen for weeks on end.

Honda EU2200i generator RV camping

Honda EU2200i generator

Why A Honda EU2200i generator?

In the past we have used a generator only for a few days in mid-winter when the days are really short and storms blow in for a week at a time, limiting the amount of power our solar panels could produce, or for just a few days in mid-summer when the interior temp of our trailer shoots into the 90s and we run our air conditioner to cool down.

Honda EU2200i Generator back side-min

The back side of the Honda EU2200i generator.

When we decided to get one of Honda’s new and easily carried 2200 watt generators in early May, we didn’t think we’d put it to use right away. We were headed to the cool mountains for a month or so, and we doubted we’d need our air conditioner.

But our longer range plans were to go to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and hang out along Lake Superior where we knew we’d be camping in shady spots under tall trees.

Honda EU2200i portable generator RV camping top view 1-min


Honda EU2200i portable generator RV camping top view 2-min


Honda EU2200i generator RV camping outlets side view-min

The “business end” of the Honda EU2200i generator

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The exhaust end

Ironically, within a few weeks of getting our new 2200 watt Honda generator, wildfire smoke filled the mountain air, obscuring the sun and preventing our solar panels from being as effective as usual.

The wildfire smoke was followed by weeks-long rain storms for the next few months as we traveled from the mountain states to Lake Superior. Oh my, were we happy it was so easy to set up our new little generator to keep our batteries nicely charged despite the dark skies.

RV camping in a fifth wheel trailer under stormy skies-min

Solar power is great until a storm like this sweeps in!

At one point we had to ask ourselves if we had inadvertently done a rain dance by getting this new generator!

Just like how one of us always get really sick whenever we put a new bottle of Nyquil in our medicine chest, we wondered if the deluge of smoke and rains came because we now had an easy access generator that could power our lives on a moment’s notice!

Fifth wheel RV camping with Honda EU2200i generator-min

When storms blew in we got the generator out — and it was easy!

The Honda EU2200i is light and easy to Carry!

The Honda EU2200i generator is a new and improved version of the much beloved Honda 2000i generator that has been powering the lives of RVers for many years. If you wander through the desert in Quartzsite, Arizona, in January, you’ll see the popular red generators outside of many RVs.

It weights just 46.5 lbs., holds just under a gallon of gas and delivers 2,200 watts of peak surge power and 1,800 watts of continuous power.

We have had a Yamaha 2400i generator with us since we started full-time RVing eleven years ago, and although it is a great generator, it is unwieldy to store, maneuver and set up. Too often we have looked at each other and said, “We really should get the generator out,” only to decide against it because neither of us felt like going through the hassle.

However, the light little Honda EU2200i generator has proven to be so darn easy to grab and set up that we often end up running it in circumstances where we wouldn’t have before.

For the moment, it is living in the back of our truck right next to the bigger generator. Either one of us can pick it up with one hand and lift it out of the truck, even while gingerly stepping around the fifth wheel hitch and the rest of the obstacle course in the bed of our truck. Not so with its big brother.

Starting the Honda EU2200i generator!

We like to start the Honda EU2200i generator without having it plugged into the RV so it can get a little warmed up before we put any loads on it. The shore power cord is plugged into the trailer, but we don’t plug the other end into the generator until the generator is actually humming along.

Since our trailer is a 50 amp trailer and the generator outlets are 15 amps, we use two adapters plus the shore power cord to get between the 15 amp female outlets on the generator and the male 50 amp outlet on our trailer:

We keep these two adapters on hand because it gives us the flexibility to connect the RV’s shorepower outlet to either a 15 amp power source or a 30 amp power source. However, you can also go directly from the 50 amp outlet on the RV to the 15 amp outlet on the generator and skip dragging out the heavy shore power cord by using a 15 amp Male to 50 amp Male adapter.

To start the Honda EU2200i generator there are three easy steps:

  • 1. Open the gas cap vent so a vacuum doesn’t build up inside the tank
  • 2. Close the choke (move the switch to the right)
  • 3. Set the generator switch to ON

Then pull the pull start cable and away you go.

Gas cap vent on Honda EU2200i generator-min

First point the gray dial to “On” to vent the gas cap.
Mark painted the “On” and “Off” labels to make them easier to see.

Honda EU2200i Generator front side-min

Then close the choke and set the generator switch to “On.” Now you’re ready to pull the start cord.

Starting the Honda EU2200i portable generator-min

Instant power!

Shortly after the generator roars to life, slowly open the choke (move the switch to the left).

We like to position the generator so the exhaust goes away from the trailer. If there are other people camped in the vicinity, we also like to place it somewhere in our campsite that it is as far from their campsite as possible so we don’t annoy them when we run it.

If it is raining out, we put it under one of the slide-outs so it doesn’t get wet.

Sometimes these locations are not optimal for pulling the start cord and getting the generator going (especially crawling under a slide-out!). But this little Honda generator is so light it is easy to maneuver it to wherever we want to place it, even after it is running.

RV camping in a fifth wheel trailer with Honda EU2200i generator-min

All set up and purring away.

RV camping with a Honda EU2200i Generator-min

Buddy jumps for joy!

Using Eco Throttle for Greater Efficiency and Less Noise

One of the really nifty features on the Honda EU2200i generator is the Eco Throttle. This is located on the “business end” of the generator in the upper left corner.

Turning it on lowers the RPMs of the generator so it doesn’t use as much gas and runs more quietly.

If we are going to run the generator for a number of hours primarily to charge the batteries and do other things that put just a small load on the generator like using our laptops, running the lights at night, or watching a movie on TV, we keep the Eco throttle turned on.

We tested the generator to see how long it would run if we filled the 0.95 gallon gas tank before it ran out of gas. We had it in Eco mode and used our laptops and other small things while it was running.

It ran for 9.5 hours!

We don’t usually run the generator for nearly that long.

As I’ve described in our article about what happens when you run solar power and shore power simultaneously, the best time for solar powered RVs to run a generator is in the morning hours. This helps get the batteries sufficiently charged so they can easily reach their charging (Absorb) voltage under solar power alone once the generator is turned off. This gives them more daylight hours to complete the Absorb stage before the sun goes down.

Outlets and switches Honda EU2200i Generator-min

The Eco Throttle switch allows the generator to run more efficiently and quietly when loads are light.

Eco mode is our default with this generator, both to save gas and to hear the generator’s quiet purr instead of its louder roar. In Eco mode it is as quiet as our Yamaha 2400i generator, but when it is not in Eco mode it is a little louder.

If you suddenly place a big load on the generator when it is in Eco mode, it will temporarily go into higher RPMs to provide the required power.

If we turn on the toaster while in Eco mode (our toaster is an 800 watt model), we can hear the generator rev up while the toaster is making toast. As soon as the toast pops up, the generator idles back down. If we do the same thing in non-Eco mode, the generator is already humming along at a fast pace, and it doesn’t need much of a surge to operate the toaster.

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We camped under thick canopies of trees in the rain in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

If the generator is in Eco mode and we use the microwave (ours is an 1100 watt model), the generator has a slight lag time as it first senses the heavy load and then revs up to provide the necessary power.

There is an audible drop in tone and dimming of the lights on the microwave for a second or two before the generator roars to meet the challenge. We’re not sure this momentary dip in power is good for the microwave, so if we plan to use it we prefer to have the generator running in non-Eco mode first.

Can it power an RV air conditioner?

We have a 15,000 BTU air conditioner on our 36′ fifth wheel trailer. With some coaxing (i.e., warming up the generator, then turning on the Coleman air conditioner’s fan and finally turning on the air conditioner itself), our Yamaha 2400i generator can handle the air conditioner’s initial power surge and run it for hours on end without a hitch.

We were hoping the much lighter and smaller Honda EU2200i might be able to run it too. However, the generator’s 2200 watts max power is not quite enough to handle the surge when the air conditioner starts. It is likely it could power a 13,500 btu air conditioner (standard on smaller RVs) just fine.

The Honda EU2200i generator is designed to work in parallel with a twin generator and connector cables, giving you 4,400 watts of peak power, more than enough to run a 15k BTU air conditioner. You can probably run the microwave at the same time with that kind of juice! The wonderful thing about this setup is that the two generators are a lot smaller than one big 4.4kw generator would be.

Honda EU2200i and EU2200ic Companion Generator Parallel Combo Kit-min

Honda EU2200i + EU2200ic Companion Generator Parallel Combo Kit with covers for each.

Putting Gas in the Honda EU2200i Generator

The hardest part about putting gas in a generator is fiddling with the child-proof, spill-proof, idiot-proof gas can. Government regulators have obviously never used a gas can in their lives, and we’re quite sure a lot more gas has been spilled on our precious environment because of the newfangled user-unfriendly spouts than ever was spilled using the trusty old gas can spouts of days gone by.

Putting the spout on a plastic gas can-min

Good luck with the gas can spout!

Putting gas in a Honda EU2200i Generator-min

Easy access on the top of the generator for gassing it up.

We’ve been adding Seafoam Motor Treatment to the gas in the generator. This fuel stabilizer cleans the carburetor, keeps the engine clean, and we find it makes it easier to start.

If you’re looking for affordable parts or tools to keep your generator in top condition, you can check out this parts geek coupon code for discounts on various items. It’s always handy to save while ensuring your gear stays in great shape!

When we cruised Mexico in our sailboat, we used it in the outboard motor for our dinghy and were very pleased with the results.

Honda EU2200i Generator Maintenance Tips – Changing the Oil

Changing the oil on the Honda EU2200i generator is a snap. First find a pleasant place to do it. Mark likes to elevate the generator onto some kind of platform so it is easy to drain the old oil out of the bottom.

As always, Buddy likes to supervise.

Changing the oil in a Honda EU2200i Generator-min

Changing the oil doesn’t take long, but doing it in a pretty place makes it more fun.

You’ll need the following:

  • A flat head screwdriver
  • A sealable 14 oz. or larger container for the old oil
  • A quart of SAE 10W-30 oil
  • Rags to clean up drips and wipe your hands
  • Optional: Rubber gloves

The first step is to unscrew the single screw that holds the front panel on the front of the generator and remove the panel so you have full access to the heart of the machine.

Opening a Honda EU2200i Generator to change the oil-min

Access the heart of the generator via the side panel on the front.

Opening a Honda EU2200i Generator to change the oil-min

Once it’s unscrewed, the side panel lifts off easily.

To check or change the oil, simply unscrew the dipstick in the lower left corner.

If you are just checking the oil, make sure the oil level fills the spout and is clear. Honda recomments changing it every six months or 100 hours of use (keep track of the hours of use in a log book).

Inside a Honda EU2200i Portable Generator-min

The dipstick is in the lower left corner.

Check the oil with the dipstick on a Honda EU2200i Generator-min

Unscrew the dipstick to check the oil and/or to change it.

When changing the oil, hold a container of some kind below the spout.

Any container that can hold 14 ounces of liquid is fine. Or you can drain the oil into an oil drain pan and then, after the new oil has been put into the generator, pour the old oil into the container that held the new oil.

In the case pictured here, Mark used an old plastic peanut jar with a screw top lid.

Drain the oil from a Honda EU2200i Generator-min

Drain the oil into an easily sealed container that holds at least 14 ounces.

To get all the oil out, tip the generator slightly towards you.

Drain all the oil from a Honda EU2200i portable Generator-min

Tip the generator towards you to get out every last drop.

The Honda EU2200i generator uses SAE 10W-30 oil.

Honda EU2200i Generator uses SAE 10W-30 oil-min

The generator uses SAE 10W-30 oil

Once the old oil is completely drained out, pour the new oil in.

Change the oil on a Honda EU2200i Generator-min

Pour the new oil in

The oil reserve is properly filled when the oil comes right to the edge (with the generator sitting level). Once it’s full, screw the dipstick back in and tidy up any drips with the rags.

Oil change on a Honda EU2200i Generator-min

The oil is full when it is level with the spout

The generator takes 14 ounces of oil and, of course, oil is sold in 32 ounce bottles. You can save the last two ounces for other odd jobs around your RV in one of these classic oil cans. Grandpa will be proud!

Honda EU2200i Generator Maintenance Tips – Cleaning / Replacing the Air Filters

Since the front panel of the generator is off, now is a good time to inspect the air filters. To access the air filters, unscrew the screw holding the access panel in place.

Inside a Honda EU2200i Portable Generator-min

The air filters are in the upper right area of the front of the generator

Open air filter compartment on a Honda EU2200i Generator-min

Remove the air filter cover

There are two small air filters inside. Each one is a small piece of foam. If they’re dusty and dirty you can clean and re-oil them. If they are brittle and have started to fall apart, you can replace them with Honda’s air filter replacement kit.

Air filter on a Honda EU2200i portable Generator-min

There are two air filters inside, one above and one below

Honda EU2200i Generator Air filter-min


Honda EU2200i portable generator Air filter-min


Honda EU2200i Generator Maintenance Tips – Inspecting / Replacing the Spark Plug

Once the front panel on the generator is buttoned up again, this is a good time to check the spark plug.

The Honda EU2200i generator’s spark plug is located in a small compartment on the top next to the handle. The cover slides off easily.

Open spark plug compartment Honda EU2200i portable generator-min

The spark plug has its own compartment on the top of the generator

Inside, the spark plug is covered by a spark plug cap. Simply pull the cap off to reveal the spark plug underneath.

Spark plug compartment Honda EU2200i Generator-min

Pull off the spark plug cap to reveal the spark plug underneath

To remove the spark plub, use a 5/8″ spark plug socket and ratchet plus 3/8″ drive extension. The spark plug is quite close to the generator handle, so a 5//8″ spark plug socket with an integral 3/8″ drive on a swivel extension could be very handy.

Remove spark plug from Honda EU2200i Generator-min

Use a 5/8″ socket and extension to remove the spark plug

The spark plug is the NGK CR5HSB.

Honda EU2200i Generator spark plug-min

NGK CR5HSB spark plug

Inspect it with a spark plug gap tool. The gap should be 0.24 to 0.28 inches which is equivalent to 0.6 to 0.7 mm.

Check spark plug gap with feeler guage on Honda EU2200i portable Generator-min

The spark plug gap should be between 0.24 and 0.28 inches (0.6 to 0.7 mm)

Before placing the spark plug back in the generator, spread a thin layer of high temperature anti-seize lubricant on the spark plug threads.

Apply anti-seize lubricant to spark plug for Honda EU2200i Generator-min

Apply a thin layer of high temp anti-seize lubricant to the threads

Anti-seize lubricant applied to Honda EU2200i Generator spark plug-min


And that’s it!

Honda EU2200i Generator charges batteries while RV camping-min

Happy campers!

If you are looking for a lightweight generator that can run for many hours on end and power all of the appliances in your RV that require less than 2200 watts to operate (in our case, this is everything except our 15k BTU air conditioner), the new Honda EU2200i generator is a great choice.

Hopefully if you buy one, you won’t inadvertently inspire the rain gods to dump weeks of rain on you like we did!!

Note added March 24, 2019 – 200,000 Honda 2200i units have been recalled for a leak in the fuel valve. You can schedule a free repair at a Honda authorized dealer. There is more detailed info from Honda about the specific units affected at this link.

Where to buy the Honda EU2200i generator and accessories:

RV Power Adapters and Dogbones:

Generator Maintenance Goodies:

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33 thoughts on “Honda EU2200i Generator Review + Oil Change and Maintenance Tips

  1. Have you looked into converting the generator to propane? I’d be interested in your thoughts on this. It would eliminate the gas can!

  2. Thanks for another great post. Love the detail. This is the generator of my dreams. Actually two of them. Of course each adds another $999 and 47 pounds of weight…but Honda built these to connect in parallel so it’s possible to double the output with their simple parallel connection kit. Just worth a mention here since some readers may see real value for regularly running AC. Instead of a bigger and harder to maneuver generator, the parallel application lets you regularly set up just one for solar charging or both when it’s hot out.

    • Thank you for mentioning the parallel use of a twin set of these nifty generators, Mike. I’ve added some info about that in the article just in case some readers don’t make it all the way down here to the comments. It is totally awesome that you can get 4.4kw of “modular” power that is easy to carry around and position wherever you want in your campsite!

  3. Great article Emily. Also, it’s prudent to mention that using ethanol free gasoline is best for these high little investments, as ethanol attracts moisture and this is bad for 2 cycle engines. You can go online to to find stations in your area that sell it. It’s higher priced, but your investment will last much longer and stay easy to start.

    Happy Trails!

  4. We’ve had a couple of EU2000i generators for about 10 years now and are very happy with them. Although we do have a portable solar panel, we end up using a generator more often than not because we prefer to dry camp on wooded sites in the shade. If we’ll be camping somewhere in hot weather, we’ll use the two generators in series to run the A/C if needed – like Mike mentioned above. True story: when my husband and I were researching generators before we bought one, we walked around a large state park campground one night asking anyone with a generator what they liked about their particular brand and what they didn’t. Almost everyone mentioned how quiet the Hondas were, but what had us laughing was that even people who owned a different brand were advising us to get a Honda. Seems like they deserve their excellent reputation. Great post, Emily! Love the details and all the photos – a perfect reference guide!

    • Great story, Mary. That’s the best way to do research and it’s how we’ve researched everything from diesel trucks to sailboats to fifth wheel trailers. Just go to wherever people have them and start asking questions! I’m not surprised you’ve loved your Honda generators. They are definitely the most popular brand among RVers and for good reason!

  5. Emily,
    You just sold a Honda generator. Hope you are getting a commission. 😉 Love the “Flying Puppy Chow” in the one pic.

  6. Another great article and full of information that is ‘Usable’. You mention you use the gen to charge batteries when solar is not keeping up. What is the amperage that you are able to get to the batteries? How long does it take(runing the gen) to fully charge the battery bank? I have looked at some gens and they claim to “trickle” charge the battery bank… your thoughts?

    • If you connect the generator directly to the batteries with alligator clips, then the amperage is limited to a trickle charge. However, if you connect the generator to your shore power outlet on the outside of your RV, then the amperage is determined by either the converter or inverter/charger in the RV (the same device that charges the batteries when you are plugged into an RV park pedestal).

      I’ve written extensively about that at this link: RV Converter, Inverter and Alternator Battery Charging.

      We have an Iota DLS 90 converter that can put as much as 90 amps DC into the batteries if they demand it (i.e., the batteries are very depleted at around 12.1 volts). The highest we have measured is 87 amps DC going in.

      We bought that converter because our Yamaha 2400i generator’s AC receptacles can deliver a max output of 20 amps AC which corresponds to the converter’s max demand. It was our only generator at the time we installed the converter. The Honda 2200i’s AC receptacles are rated for 15 amps AC, and we actually overloaded it once when our batteries were extremely depleted (the overload light went on and the generator stopped putting out current). We tried again when the sun had risen a little so the solar charge controller was delivering as much DC current to the batteries as it could get from the panels at that early hour (delivering about 9 amps DC), and then the Honda was able simultaneously to support the more modest AC load demanded by the converter for its battery charging task.

      • Not sure about this comment……..I measured the output of the 12DCV outlet and without load it puts out 27DCV (This comment is not relevant to the post). I didn’t measured current, just voltage) The owner’s manual states that this outlet puts out 8.3A and it cautions you that puts out that charge constantly with the risk of overcharging your batteries…… other words, my interpretation is just the opposite to your comment. No trickle here but full amperage CONSTANTLY. (You’d better watch your voltage while charging directly from the DC generator’s outlet) On the other hand, I do agree with your comment that is much safer to charge the batteries via converter but the charging time will depend on the charging capacity of it. Just my $0.02

        • I checked the manual and you are correct that the 12v DC outlet puts out a constant 8.3 amps. This isn’t a deluge of current like the 87 amps I mentioned seeing bulk mode with our Iota converter, and could be viewed as more of a “trickle” if the battery bank is large (ours is 440 amp-hours). However, as the batteries approach full charge, this could definitely overcharge them.

  7. I enjoyed reading your article and found it to be very thorough as well as informative. I have a 2016 model year 2000 watt Honda that I use mainly for tailgating sporting events and the original portable Honda generator, a 1960’s era E300. I found the E300 locally in KC. In true Honda fashion it started on 2 pulls with fresh gas and oil. It runs like a sewing machine and is the nicest one I’ve seen so far when looking for other examples online (you typically only ever see a few on EBay). I just figured I’d drop you a line and send you a picture of the grandfather and grandson side by side. (Photo here). Nothing runs like a Honda!

    * Also, if you’re looking for a new or improved gas can, this is the best one that I’ve ever used or owned. Definitely the “million dollar design” I wish i’d thought of first!

  8. Great job in covering the basics regarding all aspects of the Honda EU2200i Generator. I have bookmarked this website as I will need to refer to it again after our new Honda EU2200i generator arrives in a few days. I spent practically the whole day reviewing ‘reviews’ and comparisons of best generators on the market and finally settled on this one. I purchased it new through eBay with free shipping and no sales tax for $849.00.

      • Yay, there’s a correction on the price. The first company through eBay withdrew the sale and credited our PayPal account. Apparently that was too good of a deal!! After still another bogus “deal” through eBay and closing our credit card to block transfer of funds, we finally got our Honda EU2200i generator through MaxTool for the regular price of $1009.00 with no sales tax and free shipping. MaxTool ships through FedEx with signature required upon delivery. After watching your video again, reading the instructions on ‘Initial Use,’ and filling the EU2200i generator with oil and gasoline, it took me several pulls with the starter grip with the correct settings to get it started. The instruction booklet did say that if the carburetor is dry, it does take more pulls to get it started! Dang that little bugger is quiet in the ECO mode. It was nicely charging our Aliner camper battery using the power cable with the 120 volt adapter plugged into the generator, before I unplug the cord and shut off the generator. I checked the btu’s that our small air conditioner requires to operate (5,000) and we are looking forward to using it in those campsites that have no electricity and the temperature is reaching the scorching level!!

  9. Thanks so much for this great information on the 2200, yours is by far the best review I’ve seen, and a lot easier than using the Honda supplied manual. I found your site while preparing to change the oil. I have the EU2200i, and also the companion, they are absolutely awesome generators. Our use is primarily for emergencies (earthquakes, etc.), and to keep our house running during the Northern Cal fire season planned shutdowns, plus some occasional camping. These are awesome generators!

    • Thank you very much for your heartfelt appreciation of my review of the Honda EU2200i. You put a huge smile on my face! It sounds like you are very well prepared for power outages with your dual generator setup. Here’s hoping the fire season is manageable and uneventful this year and in the years to come and that the earth keeps its quaking to a minimum!

  10. Great detailed write up guys!!!! We love our little Honda Generator!! I did find away that this little guy will power our AC as well. I installed a hard start kit on our AC unit and crossed my fingers that this would do the trick…. IT DID and runs it with no issues at all! We have a 13,500 BTU AC unit if that helps. Happy Travels!


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