News & Tidbits from the Roads Less Traveled

Even when we’re not out traveling, our photos and memories swirl around us all the time. We have 100 framed 8×10 glossy photos from our travels hanging on our walls at home.

Travel photos from a life of RVing and Sailing

Our memories come alive for us in our photos.
A friend once joked that a walk down our hallway is like a walk down Memory Lane!

Even better, every so often we’re able to share our experiences and the beauty of what we’ve seen with the rest of the world in formats beyond this blog! Happily, that has happened a few times in recent weeks.

Wholesale Warranties Interviews RLT!

This past week we were interviewed by Jim Hoffman, VP of Wholesale Warranties. Not far into the interview, we learned that the owner of the company, Jeff Shelton, founded Wholesale Warranties after he was unhappily stranded in broken down RV, dealing with the stress of a huge and unexpected repair bill! Oh my, that sounds familiar!

So, he started a company to broker RV warranties to help other RVers minimize the stress that comes with a disaster like that. They helped us immensely with a series of calamitous breakdowns on our fifth wheel trailer a few years back.

Jim wanted to hear what we thought of both the truck camper and the toy hauler we’ve purchased since we moved out of our full-timing fifth wheel. And he was eager to hear about our latest adventures in Colorado.

Wholesale Warranties interviews Mark & Emily of Roads Less Traveled

We had a lot of fun with this interview! Watch it here on Facebook or here on YouTube

We also described some of the mishaps and breakdowns we had this year. (It was ugly out there for a while!)

When we faced our massive truck repair bill, we sure wished we had an extended warranty for it. One of the things that was most reassuring with the trailer warranty we’d had was that we could call Wholesale Warranties and talk to a friendly person that was on our side and wanted to help us get the repair done under warranty. However, we’d assumed that a new diesel truck would make it to at least 100,000 miles before having a major malfunction, so we never considered an extended warranty for it… Sigh.

You can watch the interview here on Facebook (higher res) or here on YouTube (lower res).

Turbo Diesel Register Calendar

During our intensive research into our diesel truck problems, Mark spent a lot of time perusing the Turbo Diesel Register Forum.

While he was hanging there, he noticed they were having a photo contest, so he entered it. Lo and behold, his photo is going to appear in the 2024 Turbo Diesel Register wall calendar! It will be the month of October.

Dodge Ram diesel pickup with a fifth wheel trailer

Turbo Diesel Register Wall Calendar – Month of October – Mark Fagan

Reese Goosebox

Souvenir Wall Calendars

Quite a few of our photos have appeared on souvenir wall calendars over the years. Last year, four of our photos were selected for 2024. Then, a few weeks ago, we learned that six more of our photos will appear on decorative wall calendars in 2025!

These calendars can be found for sale at gift shops, boutique stores and even supermarkets in tourist towns. When I know more about how to obtain them online, I’ll let you know!

In the meantime, here are the pics that were chosen. We’re thrilled!

2024 Wall Calendar Photos

EmilyFagan15 Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon National Park in the snow
2024 Utah Mighty 5 National Parks Calendar – Month of February – Emily Fagan

MarkFagan30 for 2024 Northern Arizona

Spider Rock at Canyon de Chelly National Park Arizona
2024 Arizona Calendar Cover and Month of July – Mark Fagan

EmilyFagan10 Sedona

West Fork Trail, Sedona Arizona
2024 Sedona Calendar – Month of August – Emily Fagan

MarkFagan10 for 2024 Sedona

Bell Rock Pathway in Sedona Arizona in the snow
2024 Sedona Arizona Calendar – Month of December – Mark Fagan

2025 Wall Calendar Photos

The specific months have not been assigned to our photos yet, but they will be!

Sedona Arizona Winter Scene

Sedona Arizona Winter Scene – 2025 Sedona Arizona Calendar – Emily Fagan

Petrified Forest National Park – Arizona Calendar – Mark Fagan

Idaho Bow Bridge at Draper Wood Preserve

Bow Bridge – 2025 Idaho Calendar – Emily Fagan

Granite Dells Prescott Arizona

Granite Dells – 2025 Northern Arizona Calendar – Mark Fagan

Selway River Idaho at sunset

Selway River – 2025 Idaho Calendar – Emily Fagan

Mormon Temple in Idaho Falls

Idaho Falls Mormon Temple – 2025 Idaho Calendar – Mark Fagan

RV hose Water Bandit

Escapees Magazine Covers

We’ve been members of Escapees RV Club almost as long as we’ve been RVing. In our first winter of full-time RVing, new friends we met in the desert around Quartzsite Arizona recommended the club highly. We were skeptical at first — why join a club when you’ve just left the conventional world to go live an exotic life? But we have really enjoyed our membership over the years and highly recommend it to you too if you’re an RVer.

It is an unusual club founded by full-time RVers Kay and Joe Peterson back in 1978. It has a top notch bi-monthly magazine, an excellent online forum, a variety of RV parks with reasonable rates (and cheaper rates for dry camping…a rarity in any RV park), a mail forwarding facility that is so big it has its own Zip code, and an incredible headquarters campus in Livingston, Texas, that even includes an assisted living home base for RVers. Plus webinars, rallies, bootcamps and more.

A few months ago, and then again a month from now, our photos were featured on the cover of Escapees Magazine. These are our 43rd and 44th magazine covers (see more here). It is always a magical feeling when we see one of our photos on a cover!

Escapees Magazine Cover

A cover with Buddy in it! – March/April 2023 – Mark Fagan

RV in the Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rockies – Upcoming issue – Emily Fagan

That’s it for our extra-curricular news for now. Thanks for reading and happy trails!

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Further reading:

Our RV warranty experiences:

  • Our photography gear – This page needs to be updated, but if you want to get into photography, you can buy any of the cameras/lenses described there used for pennies on the dollar via Craigslist or MPB.

Our most recent posts:

More of our Latest Posts are in the MENU.   New to this site? Visit RVers Start Here to find where we keep all the good stuff. Also check out our COOL NEW GEAR STORE!! *** CLICK HERE *** to see it!

10 thoughts on “News & Tidbits from the Roads Less Traveled

  1. Congratulations! The two of you put so much effort into your photography that I’m sure any accolades you receive are hard-earned and well-deserved. What a blessing to be doing the work you love and rewarded for the outstanding results you produce. Nicely done! A round of applause for your support staff, too!
    (Hi, Buddy!)

    • Thank you, Mary! We sure love photography and have definitely worked hard to improve our techniques, so it is really rewarding to know that our efforts are appreciated. We have a long ways to go, of course, but it will keep us busy and happy the rest of our lives! And we’re very lucky that our loyal support staff doubles as one of the best models imaginable, perky ears and all!

  2. You photos are lovely! We have been to and will be traveling to many of these exact locations! My photography work needs to find another gear, lol! We have also started hanging many of our RV travel photos in our sticks and bricks condo. They really are wonderful memories!
    Thanks again for your amazing blog that I have followed for years!

    • Isn’t photography a wonderful hobby for us travelers, Leonard?! It is such a great way to focus your vision when you’re standing in front of something sublime, and then you can admire and remember it for years after! Our skills have climbed like stairs, jumping up a bit and then leveling off for a while. Mark has been studying Photoshop lately (we’ve never used it before), and it has taken over his life! He’s up and 5 a.m. learning all he can, and he keeps at it for much of the day, that is, until Buddy sits in front of him insisting that it’s time to play tug!! Thank you for being a loyal follower all these years!!

  3. Congratulations on your photography successes!! What a great pursuit to enjoy together. Looking at these amazing scenes and also remembering Buddy’s “journey in spirit,” I marvel at the extraordinary life you’ve experienced over the past several years. Thank you for sharing these adventures with us and continued blessings to you and Buddy.

    • Thank you very much, Julia! We have been truly blessed in every aspect of our lives, and I am astonished whenever I contemplate the life we’ve lived. Sometimes it gets a little crazy out in the trenches, and there are moments when it isn’t as fun as seems in the photos. But then the sun comes out again and it is everything the photos depict and more! Thank YOU very much for following along on our journey and appreciating our online efforts. Buddy thanks you as well and is genuinely full of joy and happy to be alive every single day.

  4. Such a pleasure to review your many exceptional magazine covers – no wonder they were “chosen” !!!! Plus the heartfelt accolades from fellow photographers !!! And best of all…learning all the time… Love, Mom

  5. Great pictures! I’ve spent some time searching for an RV blog with lots of great shots and visits lots of sites. You’re blog sure fills that bill. We’re Canadians who do the snowbird thing, and my first goal in deciding where to go is where haven’t we been. Loved your shots through smaller town Colorado. Having “hobby photography” as a passion, I’m very impressed with your ability to capture compelling images (taking wish I was there pictures rather than I was there pictures). Keep up the good work and looking forward to your continued adventures.

    • Thank you very much, Ray! We really appreciate your compliments about our photos and blog. Photography is such a great hobby and a perfect activity for RVers. I’m sure you love it as much as we do — suddenly seeing that perfect image that captures the moment, the beauty and the pure joy of being alive in this world. You must be getting ready to come south pretty soon. Enjoy your time here — there is so much to see and do, and no snow to shovel either!!


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